New Mistral’s innovative showroom within the new Predict headquarters in Bari

Mistral Showroom Bari
The new Mistral’s showroom in Bari has been created along a narrow space, where both the lab and the showroom coexist. The aim of the showroom is to show the expertise gained through the years and also to inform about new technologies and processes developed by the company.

The showroom is dedicated to the project breathomica and allows the possibility to analyze samples of breath and allows the clients to live an immersive experience.
The wavy texture on the ceiling is a clear reference to the concept of breath and to the idea of lightness. We chose an hi tech palette of colours, with an alternance of transparent and translucent material to give optical depth to the space.

- Team : Archistart Studio | Il Prisma
- Location : Bari
- Year : 2019 – 2022